This store when it named Dairy Mart and was owned by Mr. Aziz was a great place to shop and play your lottery. Now its not, just another High Priced Beer and Wine joint. The owner doesnt understand how to run a business, he keeps you waiting, always on his cellular phone. Hell come from the back office on his phone after keeping you waiting. If youre playing lottery check your numbers before leaving, hell add numbers that you dont ask for, thinking hes slick. Lots of the product he sells there he and or his wife catch on sale elsewhere and resell there i.e., milk, bread, pop or anything, bakery goods with the store name on it; isnt freshly baked, just purchased on sale some place else and re-packed and sold for higher price. See for yourself, good luck with anything!
Charges 8.89 for a pack of marble light gold and then hits it in the register like a grocery as 4.29 and 4.29 .......: not coming back here ever!