Truly the worst audio store experience in 30 plus years of enjoying hi-end audio.Andy Singer could not have treated me and my two friends in a more demeaning manner than he did.I was mid-June and hot and sticky in NYC, we all wore short sleeve polos and nice jeans…my friend wore a baseball cap from his law school and we were ridiculed for our attire.All three of us did buy audio equipment that week, but not from Andy. Once Singer lost Wilson, you knew that he also treated his suppliers the same as his customers.I doubt that Andy is still around, as he was pushing three large bills and claimed he could still fit in his F40 back in the day…I hope the next owner changes the atmosphere in that shop, because it they don’t the internet will.
One of the most trustworthy, capable, and knowledgeable experts in high-end audio, Andrew Singer is one the best people in the world to make dependable recommendations regarding audio playback for music lovers. Honest, clear, resourceful, and motivated to make perfect recommendations for the majority of serious audiophiles tastes and budgets, those passionate about truly high-fidelity sound (which is admittedly an often expensive pursuit) should not hesitate to make an appointment to see him. This is definitely one of the best places in the world to acquire audio systems of the highest calibres of workmanship, performance, ease of use, reliability, and – thanks to Andrews thoughtfulness – cost-effective synergy.
Andrew Singer provided unconstrained time to have a listening session and to try several speakers with a variety of music genres and sources (CD, streaming, turntable). He provided unbiased advice and was never pushing to sell. I ended up purchasing a pair of Harbeth 30.1 speakers at a very good price from him. I am very happy with my purchase. Payment, shipping, invoicing were flawless. Great audiophile store.
Singer equipment very good, low price
There must be a lot of people in New York who enjoy verbal humiliation and financial abuse. That is the only possible explanation for the store to be in business. The owner is the most obnoxious person I ever encountered in my life and the rest of the crew is no better. I give them one extra star for the impressive selection of top notch audio gear but there is no chance in hell that I will ever spend a cent in that establishment.
Sound by Singer is one of the gems of New York. Andrew Singer is one of the few people in high end audio who really understand the customer experience. Ive spent real time at great listening sessions with Andrew taking gear and music. My experience has been that Andrew gives great advice, theres no pressure, and he views clients as people he works with over multi-year periods. I wouldnt go anywhere else. Also, his selection is essentially unparalleled in NYC. It is a high-end store, so sometimes a visit is more educational than practical, but hes there when when ones found the funds for the next investment.
Oh my god... Such a terrible experience. We wanted to A/B VAC vs BAT, and he couldnt even get any sound out of the equipment. Finally he got it to work and we were able to listen for about 30 mins, and he had to go.Before he kicked us out, he kept asking us if we were ready to purchase. Who in the world would be ready to purchase without a proper A/B test... lol. crazy!!!
Had one of the worst experiences ever in my quest for audio gear a few years ago. Went in to listen to some speakers...I live out-of-state, but have the financial means to purchase items from such a place. The sales guy immediately asked if I was there to buy; I told him so wasnt planning on it TODAY - but as anyone knows that can change if you fall in love with a piece of gear...or at a minimum, you hear something and it becomes a piece if must-have gear and you eventually buy it. The sales guy turned into a useless jerk and refused to let me audition anything. He claimed the tubes werent warmed up. them up, Sparky! Thats your job. I own some tube gear...but I didnt buy it from Singer! Had he given me the proper attention, I might have made a purchase that day.It is sad that high end shops can have such arrogance. The Stereo Exchange has similar reviews.Sadly, I would say avoid this place unless you have thousands to spend and walk in willing to spend it that day. That is the only way you will be treated well.I now have a system that costs more than a car, but I bought it all through places with quality salesmen who care, dont pressure you, answer your questions and show you the pathway to the high-end that everyone really wants who loves this hobby.
This guy runs a top-notch shop and knows every aspect of music and sound reproduction in any budget range. His listening rooms are impressive. He takes the time to understand your needs and your personal listening sources and creates a flawless system that comes as close to listening to live music as I have ever experienced. Now, thanks to his patience and expertise, I am enjoying a great system at home with the warm tube-like Bryston integrated amp, PS Audio DirectStream Jr. DAC and their matching transport together with my own KEF Ls50 standmounted speakers. He accomplished creating a very synergistic system for me. I would highly recommend his showroom. I later upgraded at his suggestion to the fabulous Harbeth 30.2 speakers from Andy. Also, I recently added at Dr. Feickert analogue Woodpecker turntable which he picked out for my system after I expressed a desire to add a vinyl source. I couldnt be more happy with the overall results, his professionalism, knowledge and his ability to create a matched system that works for me. He follows up to make sure everything is working and that I am pleased with the results. His recommendations for cables are practical, not over the top, and very effective. This is the guy and the place for the best source of a system that is perfect for you as opposed to one that is perfect for the salesperson. Choose experience, knowledge, expertise and follow through - choose Andy at Sound by Singer! He will continue to get my business.
Sound by Singer is one of the most knowledgeable Hi End Audio dealers in the New York area. His expertise in the finest audio equipment is unmatched.
I have known Andy, and Sound By Singer, since 1988 - then at their location on 16th Street. Over the years, I have been introduced - by Andy and his staff - to several audio and home theatre brands and systems. From Krell and Wilson Audio, through Runco, Theta Digital and, most recently (from their current location) Raidho D2 speakers. Throughout, Andy has proven himself to be highly knowledgeable and helpful.After first auditioning the Raidhos (in 2014), I mentioned to Andy what other speakers I was thinking about - one brand being Wilson Audio (from past experience). Andy no longer carries Wilson, but he encouraged me to go to a dealer in town who does, and to audition the Wilsons (at a comparable price to the Radios) and then come back for a further listen to the Raidho D2s. I preferred the Raidhos and we had a deal. Point is, he listened to what I most cared about and was not afraid to send me off to other dealers to do comparison auditioning.Yes, Andy will present other options - including those up the price curve - so you can explore the differences. All you need to do is arrive with a sense of what matters to you and what you are prepared to spend. Within that context, I have always had a good experience at Sound by Singer and been extremely satisfied with the result in my home environment - over long periods of time.Douglas K
With nasty attitude and rediculous prices this store should be out of business in no time.If they expect a customer to spend as much money on audioo equpment as on a luxury SUV they should atleast try to pretend to be polite and entusiastic about perspective sale. Is it too much to ask?