A school that did not take the parents to the graduation ceremony, using the pandemic as an excuse, and held a cursory ceremony for the students. Other private high schools in Istanbul held magnificent ceremonies open to parents, but they did not. What else would you expect from the school that completed the registration on the first day anyway..
This school is one of the best schools in Turkey, it provides education in French. As far as Ive heard, university success is very high.
Prof. Celal Şengörs head magazine recommended this high school in a youtube interview
It is a well-established, high-quality and successful school for 150 years.
Absolutely awful school, I dont recommend it.
French is very good, but teachers here are a little better. Although I speak little Turkish, I speak French as my mother tongue. Because Im french
150 years old, well-established educational institution, Private Saint Joseph French High School
I didnt understand what the bad commenters were trying to do. One of the few high schools providing education in Turkey intelligent man, you stand the years you spent extracts.
The best educational institutions in Turkey. Undisputed.
As far as I can see, some of the commentators commented with feelings of hatred, jealousy and jealousy even though they have no relation with the school. Theyre really pathetic.
Immediately after the holidays like Ramadan, they do the exam. The children cannot live their holidays. What kind of kind is that?
Perfect location, sometimes you just enjoy
Hello, my shovel, hiranur, build and set your code and your message.
In preparation fransızcayl to, the block course layout are not accustomed to and from home french critical condition puts his crisis with grave envelope, you can graduate when Turkeys quality of education enter the still depressed because you are at the very top but 10 numbers of 5 stars high school, the time value of understandable. Your CV is always a plus.
I would give up everything to study in this high school.
Once, we can not say Joseph, is such a school, would it be even better, even the bad bagciers?
I havent decided to look after myself in a high school. What kind of place is this? Too hard or too disciplined? Can you briefly explain?
It has a beautiful garden and a beautiful building. Education was good in our time. :)
I would make sure that the best outside our school a good school so that we can make you michelle in french school
It is one of the few places where I played basketball in my childhood. The year is 85.
The school also makes a little more sound on the graduation day.
It pales in comparison to a school like Kadıköy Anatolian High School.
My dear school, I just graduated and I miss every corner.
Kadiköy is a French school located next to Anatolia
Like the education, the building and the landscaping are beautiful.
Artists Residence.
Once I went I was very disciplined and orderly
Bi we could not read that beautiful high school
The most beautiful place garden
Im not happy with your training.
Reading ...
Turkeys finest schools.