After it was no longer Merix and Viasystems, TTM became the greatest, most rewarding job I have ever had! 😊
Live in the adjacent neighborhood - employees of TTM seem to think our neighborhood is their personal express way, speeding through the residential zone frequently despite there being a major highway a block from their gate, and the city explicitly posting the neighborhood for residential traffic. If the employees would drive like they gave a damn about the people that actually live here - including a good number of young children - the traffic would be more tolerable. But then only 5 minutes before I started this post a TTM employee in a TTM marked company vehicle sped through the neighborhood doing at least 10 over the limit. Their products may be good or they may be junk - dont know dont care - but their employees give zero concern for the safety of the families that live around their plant. If they went bankrupt and shut the doors tomorrow I would have zero sympathy because my son and his friends would be far safer when playing outside. Our neighborhood is not a race track.