Upon checkout, I was asked by the cashier for my telephone number. I politely declined. She then responded well if you need to return your items, we WILL NOT give you a refund since youre refusing to give your tel#. I was not only appalled but shocked when she said this. I asker her so youre telling me that even if Im returning with a receipt you will REFUSE to issue refund since I refused to give my tel# correct? She responded yes. After I told her how ridiculous that sounded she said sorry thats what I am told to say. SO remember folks, you decide to shop here and for whatever reasons need to return later, IF you dont give your tel# then you dont get your money back! based on that alone, I will NEVER SHOP HERE AGAIN! too many other shops in that neighborhood that I can happily give my money too that dont have this ridiculous policy.
I love this store!!! Quality products that are adorable on any income
Trendy clothes that wont break your wallet.
Love the clothes great prices very friendly staff
Love to shop there, prices are great.