2019 Nissan Sentra bought brand new. It is has one huge glitch. Something drains the battery dead but not all the time. If car isnt used for a couple days, we have come to expect a drained battery, but something drains the battery at other times too even with daily use. When the car is off sitting in driveway radio turns on and off by itself. Car has a brand new battery in it and everything is double checked that all switches are off when not in car. It has done this since we bought it two years ago. The problem has been reported to dealer.I would really like this car if it werent for this problem.
I love this place and they also show a video if them working on you vehicle. My GO TO PLACE. 💞💞💞👍
Service Shawn was awesome & I especially love the video from the technician while working on my car!!Josh in sales was helpful too!
I had an excellent experience at Walser Nissan. Kyle Sather helped me out by clearly and thoroughly answering my questions. He spent the time to help me explore my best options within budget, and then quickly helped me through the actual purchasing process once I had made up my mind. I enjoyed a smooth vehicle purchasing experience.
I called to ask if a broken sun visor was covered by warranty. The representative was polite and put me on hold for a short time while she went to ask. When she returned she said that the visor would have to be diagnosed first at a charge of $69! A new visor on line is $39! I question why I would need a diagnosis for a visor that hangs down all the time.
Made an appointment to have my warranted battery replaced. Spent 2 hours there. No battery replacement. I had the battery checked at 2 placed both said battery was bad. When it sits you needed to jump it. When its running the alternator would keep it charged. Nissan only checked it with it running. Not at a cold start. I left after 2 hours. They cant even honor a warranty. Battery isnt even a year old.
Nice people, had a good reception and good services on my vehicle
Extremely busy, waited about 2 hours for a recall - inspection on my 16 Altima. Had complementary water and snacks and popcorn
Kyle Sather was so positive and helpful helping us find our Nissan Rogue. Thanks, Kyle. He really went the extra mile.
Service was good but staff was..I dont know just there..
Excellent workers