Going to the leather factory is like going to a candy store. You name it, theyve got it, and a lot more stuff you wouldnt even think to name. Stingray leather, neon pink alligator skin pressed print leather, rabbit furs, and thats without even getting into all of the accessory tools, dyes, stencils, work table stones, anvils, and everything else.I find it best to only go in with specific things in mind, otherwise if you just walk around getting whatever looks good, youll end up with a pile that will require a bank loan to pay for.On a side note, if you see leatherworking supplies in places like Hobby Lobby, youll most likely see the Tandy logo on them, and theyll be a good 10-20% cheaper here than anywhere else.
Excellent customer service! Employees are very patient and enthusiastic about leathercraft.