Untrustworthy sales tactics. I would suggest taking precaution. The store’s non-leather / fake leather products, are advertised by the employees as genuine leather. I purchased an item that was advertised as genuine leather by employees at the store. Within a month and half the purse handle began to shred into string, proving the purse to not be leather. In attempt to return this product, I was forced to take store credit. Unfortunately this store having lost its credibility, that store credit is just money down the drain for me.
I bought a jacket from there a couple of days ago and noticed that there was a scuff on the inner sleeve after I brought it home. Today, I went to return it and Hunter was working there. This dude spent almost an hour searching the back room, the store itself - literally jogging through the store sometimes and apologizing for our wait - and finally calling other stores in Arizona to see if they had the jacket when he found that his store didnt have any more in my size. I spoke to Celine (or Selene) over the phone in the Tucson store where they had the jacket to have it shipped to me. The customer care here can not be beat. I mean, Wilsons Leather has always had nice leather wear but when you combine that with people like this, it makes the jacket that much more special.
Horrible customer service. I just called regarding an order online and the lady on the phone was rude and basically too “busy” I guess to give me the proper information. I will recommend to stay away from that store.
They had a bag with a missing yeah. Clerk assured me it was genuine leather, but a quick search showed it was poly urethane. Lying or wrong? Dunno, left.
Great place for new riding gloves and a Nice jacket... Still love my new jacket that I have and paid less than a C note for it.
Went here looking for a leather backpack & they several styles & colors. The workers were very helpful & attentive. They even tracked me down in the store when they found a few more selections in their stockroom which I appreciated.
Love it I purchased a jacket! Lots of comments please visit them if you can..nice location
Love my backpack I got for $30
Great selection of leather and leather like products for men and women
Got some great jackets on clearance. The sales people were very friendly
Its atmosphere is fantastic and the service was top-notch
Staff was very friendly and very helpful.
Place is a joke, its 90% pleather products and knock off with only a small section of real leather good that is the in house brand.
Great selection great prices
Love the smell of leather
Alway good
Nice price for the clothes
Excellent deals!
They have leather and simile leather clothing, especially jackets and coat balances of some brands. This in the season is the most convenient. There are also accessories such as purses, handbags, belts and wallets of different brands. The prices vary. The discounts are not always clear.